Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Agota Szabo was once modeling director at Jerry Lodge Talent Agency, Vancouver

Agota Szabo with her models and Marie Morton
Agota Szabo with her models and Marie Morton

Before launching her career as an artist, Agota (Agatha) Szabo had been working together with Marie Morton in Vancouver as a model director at Jerry Lodge Talent Agency where actors such as Kim Cattrall and Michael J. Fox launched their careers with the help of their personal agent Marie Morton. My mom quite often sent the now world-famous stars to fashion shows and photo shoots (well, Michael J. Fox was sent out modelling when they needed a young teenager - and he was about 21 at the time).

Agota Szabo with Marie Morton
Agota Szabo with Marie Morton

Agota Szabo left Marie, her models and the Agency, even though she was very happy there and loved her job, because she met her future husband and she moved away with him to Toronto. Jerry Lodge Talent Agency was eventually changed to Marie Morton Talent Agency. On S.L. Feldman and Associates' website it states that; "Recognizing the synergistic possibilities of music, film and live entertainment, Feldman diversified and in 1990 he purchased Marie Morton Talent, Western Canada's most successful theatrical agency. It was re-branded as The Characters and thus created      Canada's first full-service talent agency."

The Marie Morton (who was also a close friend of Agota Szabo) the talent agent should indeed be praised for the laudable efforts and energy she had invested in her actors and actresses, whom she had represented as their personal agent. She was also one of the nicest and kindest persons my mother had ever met!

Marie Morton with Michael J. Fox

Marie Morton with Michael J. Fox (credit Vancouver Sun)

I myself would like to share these photos of Agota Szabo. Proud indeed as I am of her past, more proud am I of her as the true artist she is.

Article of Agatha (Agota) in Dazzle Vancouver Fashion Magazine

Article about Agatha (Agota Szabo) in Vancouver's Dazzle Fashion Magazine

Agota Szabo's then model, now actress Kim Cattrall in Dazzle Magazine, Vancouver

Agota Szabo's then model, now actress Kim Cattrall in Dazzle Magazine, Vancouver

Marie, somebof my models and me with my presents

The cover of Dazzle magazine presents the interview with me and my work at J                                          Jerry Lodge (Agatha)

Agota Szabo in her office at Jerry Lodge Talent Agency

Agota Szabo in her office at Jerry Lodge Talent Agency

Agota Szabo's then model, now actress Kim Cattrall in Dazzle Magazine, Vancouver

Agota Szabo's then model, now actress Kim Cattrall in Dazzle Magazine, Vancouver

Celebrating Christmas in Vancouvrr with Marie and her lovely family

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