Thursday, August 22, 2024

Part - III - Vancouver Island ...

... Clouds are gathering ...

... The travels around British Columbia continued. On the rare occasions when they had spare time left,, getting into their trusted car and off they went, Peter Ray aka Peter Rakobowchuk with Agota Szabo ( Agatha )

Peter Rakobowchuk aka Peter Ray on the ferry, with Agatha off to Vancouver Island

Tigh-na-mara resort hotel on the Island

Agota Szabo in the hotel brought some books to relax, with the dogs of the hotel she soon made friends with

The almost obligatory walk down to the water couldn't be left out from their itinerary.


Peter stopping during his climb

   Agatha is also taking a break on the steep hill                         

Pacific  Ocean 

         The Pacific Ocean

Monday, August 19, 2024

Part - II - Everything around was just perfectly beautiful, the gorgeous city of Vancouver surrounded by the towering mountains, the ocean, the people ...

... and yet ...

Soon after Peter Ray aka Peter Rakobowchuk arrived in Vancouver as the news director of CKO News Radio  met Agota Szabo ( Agatha ) director of modeling at Jerry Lodge Talent Agency. They became friends and started travelling together around the city, its surroundings and the mountains.

Agatha with their trusted car


    Peter climbing up                                          the hill


      Peter Ray aka Peter Rakobowchuk on the ferry, going to Vancouver Island 


A long, lovely, busy year was nearing to it's end with traveling a lot and working hard. Peter Ray with the news in BC and Agatha looking after the assignments for the models.

When magazines, advertisers needed a young teen boy Agatha usually sent Michael J.Fox for a job in shootings for clothing or for advertisements (not a star yet. His serious acting career started that time with Marie's great help). He was still very young yet he was a true professional already. Never missed an assignment, was always on time for a job. In a word he could always be relied upon.

Marie Morton legendary talent agent, owner of the Vancouver Jerry Lodge Talent. She managed the acting department, over a thousand actors and actresses were registered, amongst them Michael J. Fox, John Ireland, Ian Tracy, Kim Catrall etc. Often organized casting calls for American casting agents as well.

                 Marie with Mike

In the offices at Jerry Lodge Talent Marie Morton and Agatha Szabo

Christmas with Marie's lovely family

Agota Szabo director of modeling at Jerry Lodge and Marie Morton

Her job was to find the right models and send them for fashion shows photoshootings or showroom works.

Agatha was sending on modeling assignments yet another famous future star, Kim Cattrall, who was not famous yet.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Memories with Peter Rakobowchuk a.k.a. Peter Ray and our Daughter, Giselle at a

                 Winterlude Festival in "Forward to the Past"


    Agota Szabo: "The Canadian Parliament" egg tempera on board (Ottawa, 1991)

An offer of choices of Christmas cards, including the one printed of my painting of the Canadian Parliament, was sent to the members of parliament to choose those they wanted send to relatives and or constituents, in Ottawa in 1991.



A new Winterlude just around the corner so I put back my post from last year with some photos, as the way forward to a long past Winterlude is getting longer...

Had those, till now unknown facts in my past personal life not surfaced through the internet I would probably be living my life in ignorance and wouldn't be wandering around the past for explanations to many unanswered questions,

Peter Rakobowchuk alias Peter Ray my then-husband reporter at The Canadian Press got transferred and we moved to the home of this famous Canadian winter festival...I really loved to live there. Then our home wrecker arrived to work on Parliament Hill where my husband worked...

   Peter Rakobowchuk aka Peter Ray with his firstborn daughter, Giselle Rakobowchuk (Gigi) From his marriage with Agota Szabo Canadian-Hungarian artist by Lake Ontario

Me with  Giselle our daughter and our car, before moving to Ottawa

Moved to Nepean

Peter Rakobowchuk doing what he's been doing best for years – hiding

Peter Rakobowchuk aka Peter Ray with Giselle Rakobowchuk his firstborn daughter at the Winterlude Festival in Ottawa

Winterlude, Ottawa 2014. Photo by Giselle on her way to work in -30°C


Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Part - I - Where and when did Peter Rakobowchuk alias Peter Ray The Canadian Press journalist ...

 Saturday, November 7, 2015

 ... then Vanvouver CKO newsman meet Agota Szabo his first, legal wife,  now Canadian-Hungarian artist, then director of fashion at the Jerry Lodge Talent Agency

Happenings that never happened...according to Peter Rakobowchuk alias Peter Ray and/or second wife Patricia / Pat Enborg

Peter Rakobowchuk aka Peter Ray then  Vancouver CKO Radio news director


                                                       Agota Szabo(Agatha)fashion director                                                                              at Jerry Lodge Talent Agency




    The Fraser river, BC


                                                      The Pacific Ocean behind me

The Pacific Ocean

     Peter Rakobowchuk aka Peter Ray on the ferry, we're  off to Vancouver Island.


After those excursions back to work in beautiful British Columbia.. both Peter Rakobowchuk aka Peter Ray at CKO radio and me at Jerry Lodge Talent had real hectic time and energy-demanding jobs so those trips around Vancouver Island and Fraser Valley did help a lot to unwind, relax and get ready for our next round of whirlwind activities.

Jerry Lodge Talent agency models with Marie Morton and Agota Szabo (Agatha)

Michael J. Fox with his then private manager Marie Morton. Still unknown then he was one of the around one thousand members of actors and models at Jerry Lodge                                                                                                              

  Marie Morton  and  Agatha ) 

   Agota  Szabo

In the offices at Jerry Lodge Talent agency, Marie Morton owner and operator working with the actors, Me with the models 

Then there were the joyous times to celebrate holidays and special occasions...

  Me celebrating Christmas with the lovely family of Marie Morton

The surprise birthday party organised for me by Marie and the models of Jerry Lodge Talent Agency


 Me with my birthday cake


Peter Rakobowchuk aka Peter Ray with his "starry eyes" on the right


Cutting my birthday cake

Peter Ray is right behind me in his chequered jacket