Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Giselle Rakobowchuk during her last year as university student, giving a presentation at a conference at University of Pecs in Hungary

iselle Rakobowchuk, daughter of Canadian Press reporter Peter Rakobowchuk from his first marriage with Agota Szabo Canadian-Hungarian artist. Although she was born and grew up in Canada she finished her BA in Sociology in Hungarian at the University of Pécs with excellent marks, she was one of their  the best students.

Here, below some photos taken during her last year at university. She was honored to have been asked to give a presentation at that conference

Giselle arriving to the conference

Giselle is waiting in the back to give her presentation

Giselle is giving her presentation

The distinguished professors and visitors

Giselle Rakobowchuk st the university listening to a lecture

Giselle with her friend at university

Giselle going out with some friend, peers at university

LINKS to Pécsi Tudományegyetem website (University of Pécs) with her name: (First link a published study, second link a research with three professors of the University of Pécs and third links to the invitation to the conference again with her name):

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Giselle, daughter of Peter Rakobowchuk a.k.a. Peter Ray, journalist for The Canadian Press (Broadcast News) moved with her mother, Agota from Canada to Hungary...anno...

It is about the time we, Giselle, (our daughter with Peter Rakobowchuk, my ex-husband) and I moved from Canada to Hungary. The local paper wrote an article about me, the "Canadian" artist, born in Hungary, moving back home so she could paint there..

Agi (Agota) and some of her most favourite paintings

"Szabo Agota finished high school with excellent marks. She wanted to be an artist but her parents sent her to a university of medicine...she "defected" as it was called those days...she herself doesn't know why Italy attracted her... Later she lived in Canada,

"...she became a department manager...She sent models to large magazines to present their clothes. It is memorable for her that Michael J. Fox, who became a great star later, was among them. (Agota) Agi's career broke in half when she married a radio reporter and they moved away. But something new started for her when their daughter (Giselle) Gizella or Zsizsi was born.

"...when she grew up a little Agi took out her old dream, painting. She studied from books. Her daughter is studying at Sagvari in first year. Her mother tells about the difficulties she has with her study materials. Though Zsizsi speaks the colloquial Hungarian (besides English she speaks French, German and now learning Italian)..."

"...I had exhibitions by then as I did become a painter. With the help of my Italian contacts I visited the famous Italian painter Pietro Annigoni with my paintings. He encouraged me, trusted in my talent . But I kept thinking of going to university to take art. They (at the Art Department looked at my paintings and asked why I wanted to go to school when I was already a professional artist."